Ferro silicon is a kind of ferroalloys which is integrated of silicon and iron; The ratio of this two chemical substances are combined differently, and its trade mark is “FeSi”.
This material should be charge in the massive arc-furnace at specified ratio that most of operators follows their own version depend on their furnace specifications.
That’s why there is always a little difference between for instance A and B manufacturers and their final products will be different from each other in analyze.
For examples the A manufacture injects some Oxygen in order to reduce its Aluminum ratio at final product. In the other side, The B manufacture use of high carbon coke and equipped with ore-washing machines in order to make its product more strength at its final product.
All above descriptions are for producing Ferro-silicon at high tonnage with none-stop working in the massive manufacturers.
This scale of production needs huge investment like 5-10 million USD for machines and equipment such as: Arc-Furnace, High Voltage Power Hub, High Voltage Transformer, Washing Ore Machine, Furnace Auto Charge Unit, Loading Machines and such like.
Almost 97% of Iranian Ferrosilicon are producing by such massive plants which located mostly at west side of Iran, where can feed from AC high voltage and of course cheap electricity power.
Si: FeSi is pricing in the market based on its silicon content. This means that the higher the amount of Si rate, the higher the price.
It’s usually available at 65% 70% 72% and 75% in the market, which rather than 75% all lower grades are available at Iranian Ferrosilicon products.
Al: The other element which is play a crucial rule in Ferrosilicon price, is Al. More aluminum rate lower price since it makes some wholes in the final steel products which is not favorite for mills.
C: the next element which is important to be low is Carbon. Just like Al, the higher carbon rate makes it cheaper in the market and the standard value is maximum 0.5% in Iranian Ferrosilicon.
P: Phosphorous is the next element which have to consider to be as low as possible. However, it known as a Residual element in the whole specification. In the Iranian Ferrosilicon it appears usually like 0.03% of whole elements.
S: Sulfur/Sulphur is the next residual element which shouldn’t be higher than 0.09% in FeSi. Also, this element plays a crucial rule specially in petroleum coke product so that the pricing, is based on its sulfur rate. It means GPC has lower sulfur and is the expensive one and CPC has higher sulfur and cheaper one. The average S rate in Iranian FeSi is 0.04% max.
These are several uses of FeSi as following items:
The melting point of this substance varies between 1215°C -1250°C. it’s depend on its Silicon rate so that higher Si needs higher temperature to melt.
The boiling point for this substance is 1300°C.
The most available shape of FeSi in the market is Lumpy (10-60mm) Chips (3-10mm) and Fine (1-3mm). here are some illustrations as well:
Chips Ferrosilicon (Size 3-10mm)
Fine Ferrosilicon (Size:0-3mm)
Lumpy Ferrosilicon (Size: 10-60mm)
The color of Ferrosilicon varies between silvery grey and dark grey.
It has no specific odor and is almost odorless but can be dangerous when inhaled, not because of containing toxic gases but mostly for dusty sand.
As mentioned, ferro silicon is a mixture of iron and silicon. Ferro-silicon is produced by heating, and smelting iron ore and silicate (quartz) by carbon, mainly in arc furnaces. The chemical compound of Iranian Ferrosilicon is usually as following details categories:
Unfortunately, Ferrosilicon is considered as a Dangerous Goods at marine transport which has put extra costs to Iranian Ferrosilicon traders who are mostly exporting through ships overseas. Although this material is as safe as water in vessels, we have to consider it as DG for booking containers as following ridiculous description:
‘’Ferrosilicon is known as a toxic, irritant and combustible substance. The alloy can be hazardous to human health. Toxic and flammable gases are produced when this alloy reacts with moisture, bases and acids. Hence adequate protection is needed from accidentally inhaling or ingesting the material.
While dealing with this alloy, care should be taken to protect the eyes and the skin. Ferro silicon is a stable substance. However, under certain conditions this material can also catch fire. It is thus important to adhere to adequate protective measures while dealing with this substance. The probable dangers posed by Ferro silicon and the protective measures one needs to follow are discussed below in details. ’’
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